o Spelling & Grammer : it help us to check our document grammer and spelling mistake, Which is not found in computer dictionaries. If any word we want to add to computer dictionary then click on add button and ignore once, If not want to computer dictionary.
o Define : it click related word meaning information through online connection internet active for this.
o Thesaurus : It show the selected word Synonyms (same name) and Antonyms (opposite words).
o Word count : it helps us to count whole the document or selected paragraph, total number and words, word with space, line, paragraph and total numbers of pages inserted in current document.
o Translate : Translate selected word into other country language, English to French or English to Spanish.
o Languages : Here we can change the default language of computer. Example : If we can change the computer language into French. It check only French words and show the spelling mistake in english word. In english words, if we type any word related French language it show error on english(US) language. But if we change the language French word english mistake correct automatically. Example : Brave word in French language is courageux.
o New Comment: Add a short note about any word from the document. It may be contact number, address or any other notes about the selected word.
o Delete Comment: It is used for delete particular comment or delete all comment
o Previous: Go to previous comment where cursor located and work with if more than one comment inserted.
o Next: Go to next comment where cursor located and work with if more than one comment inserted.
o Show Comments: It show the all inserted comments on document.
o Track changes: It work to track delete or inserted, if track changes activated then all deleted / inserted or any kind of formatting on text highlight in our document. We will review it and get back our deleted data or remove inserted data with changes command
(Accept or Reject).
Display for review
It has four command for show track changes review.
o Simple Markup: It show only mark sign of changes in red color.
o All Markup: It show all changes (deleted or inserted and formatted data).
o No Markup: None changes show on this command.
o Original: It show original data before track changes activation.
o Show Markup: If any one unmark in this section then that not visible.
Example: Deleted / Inserted data, comment inserted, formatting, delete data show in balloon or shown inline.
o Review Pane: It show all the changes in document in review pane. It can show horizontal or vertical pane.
o Previous and Next / Accept and Reject: Previous and next jump on deleted / inserted data in document. If we want to delete permanently new inserted data.
Click on reject or if want to save (new insert data) click on accept command.
o If we want to reverse deleted data in document. Click reject command or click accept for delete data permanently from the document.
o Compare and Combine: It check the both files which is compared by user. It compare original file data to revised document (2nd chnage file). If any changes found it show with track changes. We accept / reject same as above mention in track changes command.
o using protect section we can add editing protection, tracking protection on your document, restriction can be apply by password or without password. Using click on yes.
Start enforcing protection command
o Tracking Protection: If any data in document delete or inserted user can be restore data easily by using tracking accept or reject.
o Editing Protection: If users add editing restriction then no body can edit document and document is only read only.